Travelling with toddlers and teens might sound too hard or no fun or scary, but it's wonderful, for you and your children. Just try it - you'll love it!

Great western adventure

2008 - Across western Canada and the U.S.

 Road trip! Very big road trip!

Our itinerary - northern Ontario, Winnipeg, across the Prairies, Drumheller, Calgary zoo, Banff, Kelowna, Vancouver, Victoria and the island, Seattle, Yellowstone Park, Montana, South Dakota, Chicago.

Summary - 40 days, 15,000 km, campsites and hotels and even a teepee.

Ages - 10th birthday, 7 and 3.

Highlights - driving across northern Ontario with my big sister, the hoodoos and dinosaurs of Drumheller, birthday celebrations in Drumheller, the Calgary zoo and dinner in Canmore, hiking and hot springs in Banff, picking cherries in Kelowna, the Vancouver aquarium, biking through Stanley Park, beaches and wineries on Vancouver Island, feeding the harbour seals in Victoria, watching the vendors throw fish at the Seattle Market, great Thai food in Idaho!, buffalo and geysers in Yellowstone Park, throwing snowballs in Montana, Devil's Tower, Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse monument, Jewel and Wind caves (2nd and 4th longest in the world), a wonderful chuckwagon supper, driving across the badlands, visiting the Little House sites, deep dish pizza in Chicago.

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