Travelling with toddlers and teens might sound too hard or no fun or scary, but it's wonderful, for you and your children. Just try it - you'll love it!

Florida for spring break

2009 - To Florida

Finally - a stereotypical March break trip to
Orlando. But it's me, so we also visited sites in Charleston and Savannah.

Our itinerary - driving

Summary - 10 days, 5,000 km in my little VW Golf.

Ages - 11, 8 and 4

Highlights - that long first day of driving, touring Boone Hall, exploring Charleston, Daytona beach and amazing wings, relaxing at the pool, the Magic Kingdom, a visit with neighbourhood friends who were there at the same time, exploring Savannah on our way home, getting weird looks when I pulled my little car alongside tractor trailers on the diesel side of gas stations.

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