Travelling with toddlers and teens might sound too hard or no fun or scary, but it's wonderful, for you and your children. Just try it - you'll love it!

Spain, Morocco and Portugal

2003 - To Spain, Morocco and Portugal

I loved Spain. The sum of its parts probably make it my favourite country - beautiful and
different countryside, wonderful people, great food and drink, not too expensive and it helps that I can speak some Spanish.

Our itinerary - fly into Madrid, Toledo, a few days over Easter based in Malaga to explore the Costa del Sol and the hill towns, an overnight trip to Morocco, Gibraltar, Jerez, Seville, beach time on the Algarve, Lisbon, Sintra, back to Madrid to fly home.

Summary - 21 days, two flights, a very bumpy ferry ride to Morocco, one rental car.

Ages - 5 and just under 2.

Highlights - exploring Madrid, seeing a peace protest at the Puerto del Sol, beautiful Toledo, watching the first of the Easter week processions from our hotel window at midnight, driving through La Mancha and the windmills, the (cold) beach in Malaga, the hill town of Rondo and running across the bull ring, more Easter processions including one with just children, the market in Tangier, the baboons of Gibraltar, the sherry tour in Jerez, relaxing on the Algarve beach, beautiful Lisboa and the tram to Belem for tours and tarts.

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